Mourning DOve
Discussion Points (I wouldn't share the film's title before watching.)
Pause at 19 seconds, ask the children what they think the film is about. Any clues? 'Mourning Dove' picture is a big clue. If using the film to teach 'flashbacks' then tell the children that they are about to see one. Photographs are a great way to trigger a flashback.
Pause again at 43 seconds - Ask the children to think of as many reasons as they can why she is leaving. Where is she going? Is there any evidence? Does she want to go? Does he want her to go?
Stop at 49 seconds - This is where some writing could take place. Newspaper report, soldiers journal, diary, letter home before it happened. etc.
After 1min 07 secs - Hot seating Who called? What did they say? How did you feel? What did you decide to do next? How did you pay to get there? etc
At 1m23s Describe her lying there - use similes/metaphors.
At 1m37s How is he feeling? Create an inside/outside chart. How is he feeling on the inside of an outline drawing. What he looks like/actions on the outside. Are these things the same or is he trying to put a brave face on it?
Writing Opportunities
Pause at 19 seconds, ask the children what they think the film is about. Any clues? 'Mourning Dove' picture is a big clue. If using the film to teach 'flashbacks' then tell the children that they are about to see one. Photographs are a great way to trigger a flashback.
Pause again at 43 seconds - Ask the children to think of as many reasons as they can why she is leaving. Where is she going? Is there any evidence? Does she want to go? Does he want her to go?
Stop at 49 seconds - This is where some writing could take place. Newspaper report, soldiers journal, diary, letter home before it happened. etc.
After 1min 07 secs - Hot seating Who called? What did they say? How did you feel? What did you decide to do next? How did you pay to get there? etc
At 1m23s Describe her lying there - use similes/metaphors.
At 1m37s How is he feeling? Create an inside/outside chart. How is he feeling on the inside of an outline drawing. What he looks like/actions on the outside. Are these things the same or is he trying to put a brave face on it?
Writing Opportunities
- Writing from 'Man's' viewpoint - using flashbacks to tell the story.
- Write letters between the two characters, possible cliffhanger,
- Write dialogue for the phonecall or the phonecall between the two.
- Write from point of view of a soldier on patrol with the female, giving a recount of events in the 1st person.
- Newspaper report of the event.
- Obituary for the soldier.
- Write a happy ending....