Monkey Symphony
In a musical family two brothers are separated by musical differences. At the beginning of the film we see a talented chimpanzee playing the piano wearing his overalls, he seems to be a cleaner with a hidden talent. As he leaves the stage we see the maestro enter. The two chimps share a look. This look leads to a flashback and we see these two chimps as young boys having a piano lesson in a 'Parisien' apartment with a strict Madame. One boy sticks to the rules and plays classically, resisting the urge to have fun and 'funk' it up whilst the other is reprimanded and forced to leave.
Back in the present we see both Chimps on stage. One behind the curtain and the other in front. Their practise session becomes duelling pianos. The Madame tries her best to stop them playing in the modern style, while a friendly gorilla ensures that they enjoy themselves. They bond over the music, the Madame leaves and the chimpanzees rekindle their friendship over a grand piano.
Back in the present we see both Chimps on stage. One behind the curtain and the other in front. Their practise session becomes duelling pianos. The Madame tries her best to stop them playing in the modern style, while a friendly gorilla ensures that they enjoy themselves. They bond over the music, the Madame leaves and the chimpanzees rekindle their friendship over a grand piano.
Teaching ideas
Angrily, he bashed the keys of the piano... Playing the piano was his first love... Sweeping the floor was torture but...
Ideas from our twitter and facebook communities.
@thunkingteacher suggests: Ask the children to describe how music evokes different emotions and how these can be portrayed through body language and descriptio Char Ní Chuarta suggests: It would be fantastic for 'show not tell' descriptive writing as you could really evoke the senses. You could also do a 'behind the scenes' or a 'top musician reveals all' style newspaper or magazine interview. Diary entries from different characters' perspectives would be interesting; a critic's review of opening night or designing a poster/program for the show would provide lots of differentiated creative writing opportunities. Or perhaps the Madame could be on trial for her aggression, and more able children could write arguments for defence and prosecution. It lends itself really well to role play and script writing too. Arlea Brodie suggests: Be awesome for showing how people are treated differently for various reasons ie was one treated differently because they were poor etc. or How despite wanting the best for someone it can be stifling and prevent happiness and creativity. I've being pushed to be something we are not for the sake of a job or money etc. Moona Flinders Write a letter to an "agony aunt" or even to her pleading to play new music. Write a "Mary Poppins" style job description for a new music teacher. |
Realisateurs / Directors : Maxime Baudin, Mélanie Fumey, Julien Gauthier, Samuel Gonon. Interns animators : Lou THOMAS and Matthias BRUGET Music by : Pierre-Yves PLAT and Maxime BAUDIN. Voices by : The Gorilla : Gérard RAUCOULES Teachers : Brenda ROULE and Isabelle TEISSEDRE Recording and Sound Design by : José VICENTE – Studio des Aviateurs Contacts : Maxime Baudin : [email protected] Mélanie Fumey : [email protected] Julien Gauthier : [email protected] Samuel Gonon : [email protected] Pierre-Yves Plat : [email protected] Film d’animation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma d’animation 3D de l’école ESMA (promo 2013) To view the film on youtube click here |