Made of More
The cloud came from the sea.....
He was not like other clouds,
The wind could not command him,
The more he saw, the more he did,
And the more he did, the more he became,
You see he wasn't just a cloud...
He was a cloud made of more.
Teaching Ideas
He was not like other clouds,
The wind could not command him,
The more he saw, the more he did,
And the more he did, the more he became,
You see he wasn't just a cloud...
He was a cloud made of more.
Teaching Ideas
- Discuss the idea of personification. Can a cloud have a personality?
- Go outside and look at shapes of clouds, perhaps take some photographs and then let children describe them using personification, similes and metaphors.
- Ask children where this strange cloud came from? It cannot be commanded by the wind, who is controlling it?
- Does the cloud have a purpose in life?
- Children could write the clouds biography either in 1st or 3rd person, describing him growing up, part of the water cycle, being just another ordinary cloud in the sky until one day..... Something happened to change all that.
- Can write the narrative of the advert in 1st person, what does the cloud think?