Hi,My name is Joshua.I am 8 years old.I enjoy using the literacy shed I would like to share my own ending of the Clocktower in the fairy tale shed
The Clocktower
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Alice.She lived in a small friendly town far, far away. Alice was the one who spins in the huge magical tower as a part of giant clock-the time guard. Alice said "I wonder what the town outside is like, I would like to explore it.All I can see through the window are the colourful, floating baloons".As soon as Alice got outside everything changed. All the colours suddenly disapeared "what happened,where are the colours gone?" asked Alice to herself .She walked around and tried to investigate the mystery of the dark and sad town...
The only colours what she could see was her beautiful red dress and pink shoes. While Alice walked she wanderd "what happens if I touch a balloon"- so she did."Oh! It turned green" said Alice. The town was as silent as a plain piece of paper.She said "I think I know why everything is dark, it is my dress! I am the unique one, the one who powers the clock.I am the time fairy! Me and the clock belong to each other!
Alice ran back to the tower .Tears dropped on her pale cheeks".She looked sad and unhappy just like the colourless town. She calmed down and began to spin with the clock again.She understood that being a time fairy was her destiny. "I wish I could be able to go outside without stoping the time and could see the real colourful town and have a picknic with people who live down the alley". Suddenly a magical and friendly elf came out of nowhere. "I can grant your wish" he said.He looked at Alice with his big blue eyes.Her beauty amazed him.He listened to the sound of the clock for a moment,it was like a mystery music,something magical... He took his old,teared hat and bowed to Alice. " I have got something for you".He took out of his pocket a golden ring with shiny green crystal and gave it to Alice. "oh,It is beautiful!" she said ." It is not an ordinary ring" he replied." This ring has magical power.When you touch the crystal it will keep the time going for as long as the crystal glows,and this will allow you to go and enjoy the time with humans.But remember: You only have 1 hour to get back to the tower when the crystal stops glowing.Otherwise the colours will disapear from Earth forever." The big smile appeard on Alices face.She agreed and thanked for the unique gift.From now on she visited the town and made the most of the it.And time never stopped.
By Joshua Van Der Merwe
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Alice.She lived in a small friendly town far, far away. Alice was the one who spins in the huge magical tower as a part of giant clock-the time guard. Alice said "I wonder what the town outside is like, I would like to explore it.All I can see through the window are the colourful, floating baloons".As soon as Alice got outside everything changed. All the colours suddenly disapeared "what happened,where are the colours gone?" asked Alice to herself .She walked around and tried to investigate the mystery of the dark and sad town...
The only colours what she could see was her beautiful red dress and pink shoes. While Alice walked she wanderd "what happens if I touch a balloon"- so she did."Oh! It turned green" said Alice. The town was as silent as a plain piece of paper.She said "I think I know why everything is dark, it is my dress! I am the unique one, the one who powers the clock.I am the time fairy! Me and the clock belong to each other!
Alice ran back to the tower .Tears dropped on her pale cheeks".She looked sad and unhappy just like the colourless town. She calmed down and began to spin with the clock again.She understood that being a time fairy was her destiny. "I wish I could be able to go outside without stoping the time and could see the real colourful town and have a picknic with people who live down the alley". Suddenly a magical and friendly elf came out of nowhere. "I can grant your wish" he said.He looked at Alice with his big blue eyes.Her beauty amazed him.He listened to the sound of the clock for a moment,it was like a mystery music,something magical... He took his old,teared hat and bowed to Alice. " I have got something for you".He took out of his pocket a golden ring with shiny green crystal and gave it to Alice. "oh,It is beautiful!" she said ." It is not an ordinary ring" he replied." This ring has magical power.When you touch the crystal it will keep the time going for as long as the crystal glows,and this will allow you to go and enjoy the time with humans.But remember: You only have 1 hour to get back to the tower when the crystal stops glowing.Otherwise the colours will disapear from Earth forever." The big smile appeard on Alices face.She agreed and thanked for the unique gift.From now on she visited the town and made the most of the it.And time never stopped.
By Joshua Van Der Merwe