A cloudy lesson
A cloud maker and his apprentice grandson are busy making clouds but everything doesn't happen as it should. As things don't go according to plan, the pair of them learn that good ideas come from happy accidents.
- Write instructions for 'How to make clouds.' Use imperatives.
- Write dialogue between the two.
- Invent ways in which other natural phenomena are made e.g lightning, thunder, etc
- Write a news report detailing what people saw in the sky, perhaps interview the cloud maker for explanation.
Cross curricular link with Science and or Geography - use this as a jumping off point to your weather topic. Can children explain why this is not right? Link with Water cycle animation in the Non-Literacy Shed.
Make sure you go cloud spotting out side - can the children find shapes in the sky? Perhaps use similes and metaphors to describe them e.g. a cloud chasing another like a puppy across the sky.
- Write instructions for 'How to make clouds.' Use imperatives.
- Write dialogue between the two.
- Invent ways in which other natural phenomena are made e.g lightning, thunder, etc
- Write a news report detailing what people saw in the sky, perhaps interview the cloud maker for explanation.
Cross curricular link with Science and or Geography - use this as a jumping off point to your weather topic. Can children explain why this is not right? Link with Water cycle animation in the Non-Literacy Shed.
Make sure you go cloud spotting out side - can the children find shapes in the sky? Perhaps use similes and metaphors to describe them e.g. a cloud chasing another like a puppy across the sky.