Anti-bullying Week
For the birds
Click the image to see the film
This film could be used in assemblies and in PSHE lessons when we discuss, 'What is bullying?'
Show children the film without telling them we are doing a bullying less or a PSHE lesson and they often think it is a treat.
I ask them what they think the video tells us. Does it have a message?
Children will often say that the small birds were mean to the big bird because he is different.
This sparks the debate. Who are the mean ones? Why are they mean? Are any of the small birds worse then others?
Is there a moral to the story? Could we give it a new title?
Show children the film without telling them we are doing a bullying less or a PSHE lesson and they often think it is a treat.
I ask them what they think the video tells us. Does it have a message?
Children will often say that the small birds were mean to the big bird because he is different.
This sparks the debate. Who are the mean ones? Why are they mean? Are any of the small birds worse then others?
Is there a moral to the story? Could we give it a new title?
Click the image to see the film
A solitary, one winged creature called Wing is harassed by a group of oppressive crows due to being weak and different from them. He decides that he wants to overcome his disability and escape from the forest. He builds a catapult and a mechanical wing to accomplish this. When he launches himself away from the forest, the wing malfunctions, and he crashes into the territory of the crows. The crows are about to harm him, but are then lured away by a two-winged humanoid, who the crows attack instead. Wing finds the creature, and discovers it is a female of his own kind, and that the crows have torn one of her wings off. As the crows come towards them, Wing gets the idea that he and the female can fly in tandem by flapping each of their single wings while holding onto each other, and they manage to escape from the forest.
To this day
An animated spoken word poem about bullying.
Shane Koyczan was bullied at school and the effects on him have echoed throughout his life. In this poem he shares his experiences of bullying.
Click here to visit the poet's website and the written poem
Anti-Bullying Alliance website